Mirror bracket: properly attached to truck and not broken, all hardware in place. Door: securely mounted and opens and closes; hinges not broken and securely mounted; rubber seal not split or cut and is properly mounted. Steps: hold my weight, not loose, no debris. Fuel tank: not leaking and no loose hardware; cap is tight, seal intact and chain present. Exhaust: not loose, all hardware present, no evidence of leaks (exterior soot). Cat Walk and Steps: properly mounted and not excessively dirty. Frame: not twisted or broken and no illegal welds. Drive Shaft: not cracked or broken, U-joints not broken and have no foreign objects. Rear truck lights: proper color, all lights are present, not cracked or dirty, no moisture inside the lens. Mud Flap: bracket is securely mounted and not cracked, all hardware in place; mud flap not split or cut. DOT tape is securely mounted, not dirty, covers 100% of rear. Space: enough space between rear of truck and landing gear for turns.
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Start at the driver side door and work your way to the right. Seat belt: securely mounted, belt has no cuts or frays, adjusts properly, and latches and unlatches. Horns: ensure that both horns are operational. Fire extinguisher: properly charged and rated, securely mounted, pin in place. Triangles: must have 3, not cracked or broken, reflective. Fuses: must have spare fuses or circuit breakers; if vehicle does not use fuses, mention to tester. After inspecting your safety items, turn the key on and continue your inspection.
Follow the blue spiral shape below to remember the 5 in cab items. Mirrors: glass not dirty or cracked, no illegal stickers, mirrors properly adjusted. Windshield: securely mounted, not dirty or cracked, no illegal stickers. Windshield wipers: arms properly mounted and not broken; blades have no splits or cuts, wipers and wiper fluid are operational. Heater/defroster: demonstrate both are operational by setting fan to max, and the mix valve to heat/defrost. Dashboard light indicators: turn the lights on and check the indicators for the high beams, right and left turn signals, and 4-way flashers. 2ff7e9595c