81. This constitutes a detailed answer to the above question (see n. 80). It consists of the following points: (1) It is a mistake to think that variations in religious laws result from a difference of source. It is God Himself Who altered the legal prescriptions to suit different nations at different times and in different circumstances.(2) It was indeed possible, by divising one legal code for all human beings, for all men to have been made into one nation (ummah). But one of the many benevolent considerations keeping the religious laws of various Prophets different from one another was that God wanted this difference to become a means of testing people. Those who understand true religion, who have grasped its spirit and essence, and who are aware of the true importance of the different legal prescriptions, always recognize the Truth and accept it whatever its form. They have no hesitation in accepting the new ordinances of God in place of the old ones, in contrast to those who are not conversant with the spirit of true religion and who seem to identify it with a specific body of legal minutiae. Such people have overlaid God-given principles with their own legal deductions, and have sub sequently fossilized this entire amalgam, seeking to preserve it in its entirety. They have grown so attached to it that, in order to preserve it, they spurn every directive which subsequently comes to them from God. In order to distinguish the people of the first category from those of the second God made the legal prescriptions of the various Prophets vary. (3) The real purpose of all the divine religious laws is the attainment of goodness and righteousness. This purpose can be achieved only when a man obeys whatever commandment he receives from God at a particular time. The proper mode of conduct for people who keep their eyes fixed on this true purpose is to strive for God's good pleasure rather than quarrel about differences in the legal prescriptions of the various Prophets. (4) The differences which have arisen because of the unjustified rigidity, prejudice, obduracy and erroneous attitudes of the human mind can be finally settled neither in the debating hall nor on the battlefield. The final judgement will be made by God Himself. Then the reality of everything will be fully uncovered, and it will be clear how much truth and falsehood underlay the squabbles which whole lives were wasted over.
surah baqarah full pdf 48
Read Surah Baqarah with Urdu Translation or tarjuma in text and audio mp3 - It is the 2 Surah in the Quran with 286 verses, you can read full Surah Baqarah with Urdu Translation or tarjuma online. The surah's position in the Quran in Juz 1 - 3 and it is called Madani sura.
Here you can read complete English Tafsir of Surah Al Ahzab from Tafsir Ibn Kathir with English translation of Al Ahzab. Below you can also find list of all surahs of Quran Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
234. As for those among you who die and leave widows behind, their widows shall wait by themselves for four months and ten days. When they have reached their term, there is no blame on you regarding what they might honorably do with themselves. God is fully acquainted with what you do.
272. Their guidance is not your responsibility, but God guides whom He wills. Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of God. Any charity you give will be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.
The purpose of this translation is to make it easy for students to understand the Quran, and appreciate its message and relevance to our daily lives. Each surah is divided into themes, so students know exactly where to start and where to stop when studying or memorizing passages.
Approximately three years ago, after liaising with WOFIS regarding the state of the translation work, we were inspired to continue this enormous task and by the blessings of the Almighty, established the Tawheed Institute Australia with the principle aim to complete the translation of Tafsīr al-Mīzān. By the grace of God, we have successfully published English volumes 14 and 25 to 30.
Surah al Baqarah. Lesson 9 Ayahs 40 - 48. Outline. Recap Main themes so far: 3 groups; importance of examples; state of hearts; Jannah vs. Naar ; hypocrisy; challenge to produce a similar surah New group: Bani Israel (Ayahs 40-44 today). Historical Background .
This surah is very important it was revealed after concluding the Truce of Hudaibiyah with the disbelievers of Makkah. in which Allah S.W.T made clear that he would complete his Noor and the believers would enter their city again. 2ff7e9595c